
In a nutshell....our blends have specific health purposes targeted to inflammation, aging, detoxing your system and helping your brain function. Variety is spice for your life when it comes to being able to simplify with flavor! Be proactive, not reactive, to your own health. Enjoy adding our Smoothie Spices not only to your beautiful smoothies, but also to your...salads, salad dressings, soups, casseroles, yogurt, fruits, seafood, meats, chicken, use as a rub. Change it up! The beauty of our will fit right in!
We care about each and every ingredient that goes into our spice blends ...all very carefully selected, with no fillers, 100% Organic, Gluten-Free, Salt & Sugar Free, Vegan and non-irradiated!! Our spice blends ensure you are getting the best quality product.
We use the finest of the finest available in the United States.