Individual Spice Benefits Information working
Aloe Vera | Cardamon | Ginger | Oregano |
Allspice | Cat’s Claw | Ginko Biloba | Paprika |
Annato | Cayenne | Ginseng | Parsley |
Anise | Chamomile | Gotu Kola | Passion Fruit |
Artichoke | Celery Seed | Green Coffee Bean Extract | Peppermint |
Ashwagandha | Chicory Root | Guava Leaf | Phyllanthus Amarus |
Bay Leaf | Chile Powder | Gymnema | Pine Bark |
Bel Patia Bilva | Cinnamon | Hibiscus | Poppy Seed |
Basil | Clove | Horseradish | Pumpkin Pie |
Bilberry | Coleus Powder | Juniper | Quercetin Dihydrate |
Birch Bark | Cordyceps Mushroom | Lemon Balm | Prickley Pear Cactus |
Buckwheat | Coriander | Lemon Grass | Reishi Mushroom |
Bitter Melon | Curry | Lemon Peel | Rose Hips |
Black Cumin | Dandelion Root | Maca Root | Rosemary |
Black Pepper | Dan Shen | Marjoram | Sage |
Brazil Nut | Dill Weed | Matcha Green Tea | Schisandra Chinensis |
Buchu Leaf | Dong Quai | Milk Thistle | Thyme |
Caralluma Fimbriata | Fennel | Mustard Seed | Turmeric |
Brahmi | Fenugreek | Nettle Root | Wasabi |
Calendula | Flax Seed | Nutmeg | Yarrow |
Caraway | Garlic | Onion Powder |

- Allspice is quite the Holiday Star and known for the following --
- Known to relieve indigestion and flatulence
- Helps eliminate gas and bloating
- Anti-oxidant
- It's anti-aging properties attack free-radicals
- Anti-Inflammatory benefits
- Muscle aches and a pain killer
- Also used by dentists as an antiseptic and a local anesthetic for teeth.
- Stimulant and helps improves blood circulation
- Allspice tea is known to normalize blood sugar
- Has natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties
- Lots of vitamins such as vitamins A, B-6 (pyridoxine), riboflavin, niacin and Vitamin C
- Also enriched with minerals such as potassium, manganese, iron, copper, selenium and magnesium

- Named for the star-shaped pods from which the spice seeds are harvested and has a flavor that is reminiscent of licorice
- Anise seed is rich in iron, which is vital for the production of healthy blood cells in your body
- May reduce symptoms of depression
- Helps prevent the growth of fungi and and other bacteria
- Anise may mimic the effects of estrogen in your body, potentially , by reducing hot flashes
- Rich in vitamins and mineral nutrients helping prevent bone loss
- Help reduce inflammation
- Help with blood sugar issues
- May relieve menopause symptoms
- May reduce depression symptoms
- Protection against stomach ulcers

- Annato seeds are virtually tasteless, they are also used as food coloring
- Health benefits of annatto may include its potential ability to promote healthy digestion, strengthen bones, prevent neural tube defects, promote healing, lower fevers, boost eye health, eliminate headaches, reduce nausea, and protect respiratory Annatto is used to help manage diabetes, and reduce signs of aging. better heart health, and reduced inflammation.
- Also used as an antioxidant and bowel cleanser.
- Annatto is sometimes put directly on the affected area to treat burns and vaginal infections and to repel insects.
- In foods, annatto is used as a coloring agent.
- Early research suggests annatto has cancer-fighting potential with antioxidant, anticancer, and antimicrobial properties.
- Annatto is high in carotenoids, which may benefit eye health
- May aid heart health. Annatto is a good source of vitamin E compounds called tocotrienols, which may protect against age-related heart issues
- May Relieve Stomach Issues. Annatto is often consumed to calm an upset stomach. It can also function like a stomachic, treating heartburn and discomfort, which may be associated with everything from viral infections to simply eating too much spicy food.
- Annatto helps balance, detoxify, metabolize, and strengthen the liver. It may also help to reduce liver inflammation

- The name “ashwagandha” describes the smell of its root, meaning “like a horse.” By definition, ashwa means horse
- Ashwagandha is known as an ancient medicinal herb
- Can reduce blood sugar levels
- Studies have found ashwagandha benefits for multiple types of cancers
- May reduce cortisol levels
- May help reduce stress and anxiety
- May reduce symptoms of depression
- May also boost your mental abilities and brain function.
- Ashwagandha is considered to promotes youth and longevity
- Preliminary clinical trials suggest that ashwagandha may help fight inflammation, making it a potential treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and cancers
- Shows promise for testosterone and male fertility
- Since ancient times, ashwagandha has been used to increase strength and energy.
- Notable decreases in triglyceride and cholesterol levels
- Studies have found ashwagandha has benefits for multiple types of cancers
- Basil is a beauty of a spice, offering so many awesome benefits as follows --
- Anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory spice
- Offers relief from rheumatoid arthritis inflammation, inflamed bowel conditions
- Known to slow down progression of asthma, osteoarthritis & rheumatoid arthritis
- Anti-virus, anti-microbial
- Beneficial for cardiovascular health
- Helps with stress, PMS and clearing skin
- Has been found to help detoxify the liver
- Helps replenish iron from menstruation
- Known to protect against unwanted bacterial growth
- Excellent source of vitamin K and manganese.
- A very good source of copper and vitamin C
- Also a good source of calcium, iron, folate and omega-3 fatty acids

- Bael tastes like rose-scented marmalade with a tinge of lemony flavor
- Bael is known to act as a tonic for the heart by possibly helping prevent arteries from hardening, thus reducing strokes and heart ailments
- Helps with cholesterol levels
- May help brain cells to function better
- It is also gut-friendly and has benefits to help digestion, constipation and diarrhea for proper function of the bowels and healthy stool formation. Stimulates the digestive fire.
- Help with Diabetes
- Helps to heal ulcers
- It contains chemicals like tannins, flavonoids, and coumarins, which reduce inflammation
- Bael has properties to help control dandruff
- High in Potassium. Loaded with Calcium for bone health, teeth and help prevention of osteoporosis.
- Helps control loss of blood in case of injury
- Rich in Iron, natural blood purifier, increasing red blood cells
- Beneficial for those suffering from anemia
- Loaded with vitamins & minerals and has innumerable health benefits. Rich in vitamins A, B & C.
- Helps with skin disease fighting against infections
- Helps with eye problems
- Powerhouse of Antioxidants

- The bilberry looks very much like a blueberry, but its flesh is darker, and its flavor is tarter
- Rich in nutrient and high antioxidants that help protect against disease.
- May improve vision, particularly night vision, eye dryness and other symptoms of eye fatigue.
- May reduce inflammation with their anti-inflammatory properties. Rich in antioxidants, compounds that help balance free radicals and reduce inflammation in your organs and muscles.
- Diabetes Management. May lower blood sugar levels and may also stimulate the secretion of insulin. Studies show that the antioxidants and polyphenols found in bilberries help to regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity in patients suffering from prediabetes and type-2 diabetes.
- May improve heart health. Rich in Vitamin K which helps prevent formation of blood clots, n reducing risk of heart attack and stroke and may help lower blook pressure. Also may strengthen capillaries, enhance circulation and may help prevent circulatory disorders like hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
- May help protect your liver and kidneys from disease. Enables the liver to function at a higher level.
- Digestion. The polyphenols and antioxidants may help reduce the symptoms of bloating, gas, and cramping associated with digestive inflammation.
- May improve brain function improved long-term and working memory in older adults.
- Bilberries contain polyphenols antioxidants that assist the brain with clearing toxins from neurological pathways.You may find that you think clearer and faster, and your decision-making improves.
- May improve chronic inflammation of the colon and rectum in people with UC
- Helps reduce gum inflammation and gingivitis symptoms.

- Birch is a tree and the bark is stripped for medicinal purposes.
- Birch bark is a natural pain reliever containing salicylate, the compound found in aspirin. You may find it relieves the inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,gout, and generalized muscle pain
- Birch is used for infections of the urinary tract that affect the kidney, bladder, ureters, and urethra. It is also used as a diuretic to increase urine output
- Other uses may include treating arthritis, achy joints (rheumatism), may calm arthritis and gout as it's cleansing diuretic action may eliminate toxins and excess water
- Birch is also used in “Spring cures” for “purifying the blood.”
- May help your hair loss
- May help various rashes

- Belongs to the gourd family and is closely related to zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and cucumber.
- Bitter melon is a great source of several key nutrients. Vitamin A, C, Folate, Potassium, Zinc & Iron. pantothenate, and niacin. Other vitamins are riboflavin, pyridoxine, and thiamine.
- Sugar control. May help reduce blood sugar. Bitter melon has long been used by indigenous populations around the world to help treat diabetes-related conditions. Not approved but there is evidence that it may manage blood sugar
- May have cancer-fighting properties
- May decrease cholesterol levels
- Anti-aging. antioxidant properties help reduce the wrinkling and manifestations of premature aging that could be caused by free radical damage to cells
- May be an excellent addition to your weight loss program by decreasing belly fat and body weight
- Research suggests that bitter melon contains certain compounds with cancer-fighting properties for stomach, colon, lung, nasopharynx, and breast cancer cells
- Eyesight. Bitter melon contains chemical substances such as carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which enhance the way the eye processes the sense of sight
- Rich in vitamin C, an important in disease prevention, bone formation, and wound healing

- Due to its amazing power of healing, Black Cumin has got the place among the top ranked evidence based herbal medicines.
- Black Cumin has been used for and may also help rheumatism, and other inflammatory diseases
- Has a long history of therapeutic use as it ⦁ stimulates the body’s energy and helps in recovery from fatigue and dispiritedness
- Heart disease, lowering blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol levels
- complications
- Asthma and allergies
- Coughing, bronchitis, emphysema
- Flus and sinus flu and nasal congestion
- Anti-inflammatory help for arthritis, help in cancer treatment and boosting the immune system. Alzheimer’s disease, depression, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and traumatic brain injury
- May help a headache or toothache
- Historically, black seed has been used for headache, toothache, nasal congestion, asthma, arthritis, and intestinal worms. It has also been used for "pink eye" (conjunctivitis), pockets of infection (abscesses), and parasites
- It is also used for respiratory conditions including asthma, allergies, cough, bronchitis, emphysema, flu, swine flu, and congestion. Other uses include lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, treating cancer, and boosting the immune system.

- Black pepper is a go-to-spice -- check out the following benefits it has for you -
- Black pepper is an anti-oxidan
- Helps keep heart healthy and helps keep arteries clean
- It's anti-bacterial properties help fight infections
- Known to help with memory and cognitive malfunction
- Commonly used as a spice and a medicine
- Helps in relief of resperatory problems
- Good for sinusitis & nasal congestion, common cold and coughs
- Offers relief from indigestion, constipation and diarrhea
- Also known to help with anemia, impotency, muscular strains, dental disease
- A good remedy for colds & congestion

- Great for memory, creativity, and a positive mood
- Contains powerful antioxidants. Brahmi is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties with possible help for relief from arthritis, gout and other inflammatory conditions
- May help reduce inflammation
- Often regarded as a brain booster. Enhances your long and short term memory
- Also known as a therapeutic herb commonly used as a memory enhancer, aphrodisiac and a health tonic. Helps in re-building brain tissues. Improves concentration.
- May help maintain a healthy, balanced mood that promote positivity
- May help reduce ADHD symptoms
- Helps reduce anxiety and stress. Helps promote sound sleep.
- May help lower blood pressure levels
- Regular consumption of Brahmi helps in strengthening your ⦁ immune system
- May also help in soothing gastric ulcers and treating irritable bowel syndrome
- Brahmi helps promote healthy hair and beautiful skin
- It also known to help those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
- May also help respiratory issues such as the common cold, flus or even bronchitis
- Brahmi may be useful in managing certain sexual problems. In males, it improves sperm quality and sperm concentration. In females, it may be useful in managing infertility. Brahmi may also stimulate sex drive

- Buchu - South Africa's 'miracle herb' -- is considered a protective plant
- Buchu is used for urinary tract infections (UTIs), including infections involving the urethra and kidneys
- Buchu is also used for diuretic, as a stomach tonic, and anti-inflammatory treatment
- It has also been used to treat prostatitis and gout
- Historically, buchu has been used to treat inflammation, as a diuretic and as a stomach tonic. Other uses include carminative action and treatment of cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, and gout. It also has been used for leukorrhea and yeast infections.

- Calendula is also a perennial plant in the sunflower family and you’ll see it planted colorfully in many gardens.
- Calendula is an edible and a highly versatile medicinal plant.
- Calendula has been used to relieve many types of skin conditions that may cause dry, itchy, or irritated areas. It soothes skin experiences symptoms of eczema, dermatitis, and dandruff.
- Calendula can decrease the pigment melanin found in skin to help brighten skin and reduce age spots.
- A powerful antioxidant, which helps protect your skin against free radical damage and assist in slowing the development of wrinkles
- Powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties help prevent infection and heal injuries
- Helps ease muscle fatigue
- Also help fight cancer, protect against heart disease

- Caralluma is actually a cactus and has been consumed in Indian cultures for thousands of year as a hunger and thirst blocker.
- In traditional medicine, it is widely used for fighting obesity and as a natural appetite suppressant
- Some studies show it helps reduce hunger and helps people lose weight
- The plant contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, including polyphenols, flavonoid. It also contains components that have appetite-suppressing effects and may work as a ⦁ burner that block fat production in the body
- Recent studies have revealed other potential benefits such as its antioxidant, energy-boosting, and glucose-lowering activities
- Some key active compounds in the Caralluma plant family include appetite suppressants, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and immune system enhancers
- Bitter principles (protectors of the digestive system and pancreas)
- Some use Caralluma to build their endurance

- Caraway is an interesting spice and some of the benefits are as follows --
- A good remedy for colds & congestion
- Used in treating rheumatism, eye disorders & toothaches
- Valued for its medicinal benefits, particularly for digestive conditions such as dyspepsia, flatulence and colic.
- Regulates stomach functions and an intestinal antiseptic and diuretic.
- An effective stimulant of gastric secretion
- It has anti-inflammatory properties for the intestines
- Important for stimulating food appetite and digestion
- Also strengthens the body's immune system
- Cardamom is well worth the addition to our Smoothie Spices, not only flavor but offers value with benefits as follows --
- An anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
- Anti-spasmodic for hiccups, muscle spasms, stomach and intestinal cramps
- Inhibits cancer growth
- Heart healthy by helping regulate your heart rate
- Helps in the prevention of blood clots and fights anemia
- Improves digestion, acidity, nausea, bloating, gas, heartburn and constipation
- Helps detoxify, urinary tract, kidneys, bladder and removing toxins
- Freshens breath. Also used for mouth infections
- Good for cold and flu symptoms such as bronchitis and coughs
- Inhibits growth of viruses, bacteria, fungus and mold
- Has been known to be a powerful aphrodisiac thereby improving your sex life

- Named after its hook-like horns, cat's claw is a woody vine native to the Amazon rainforest and other places in South and Central America.
- Multiple studies have found that Cat’s Claw can be used to naturally improve osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
- Cat's claw contains benefits that might stimulate the immune system, kill cancer cells, and fight viruses.
- Boosting Your Immune System
- Healthy Aging through Cellular Repair
- May Help Fight Cancer
- Traditional Chinese Medicine has used Cat’s Claw for centuries to treat high blood pressure.
- It is also used for various digestive system disorders including swelling and pain (inflammation) of the large intestine, diverticulitis, colitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, and leaky bowel syndrome
- This versatile herb is also helpful in detoxification of the intestinal tract, while replenishing the friendly bacteria in the intestines.
- Cat’s Claw has been used as a traditional medicine in the Andes to treat rheumatism, dysentery, intestinal complaints and wounds.
- Some people use cat's claw for viral infections including shingles, cold sores, and AIDS
- Cat's claw is also used for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), wound healing, parasites, Alzheimer's disease, asthma, hay fever, cancer (especially urinary tract cancer), a particular type of brain cancer called glioblastoma, gonorrhea, dysentery, birth control, bone pains, and "cleansing" the kidneys.
- Cayenne - One of the"hotter" spices -has many beautiful benefits such as --
- Used for pain relief, nerve pain, back pain
- Headache, congestion, fibromyalgia
- Stimulates the heart and lungs, dilates blood vessels and speeds metabolism
- Increases circulation and blood flow to all major organs
- Known to regulate high blood pressure
- Promotes healthy liver function
- Helps regulate digestive system
- Anti-bacterial, anti-cancer
- Contains vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium and manganese

- Chamomile is best known for centuries for its beauty properties and as a sleeping aid.
- Chamomile is an herb which comes from the flowering plant through the daisy family.
- The polyphenols in chamomile help tackle free radicals, helping protect our skin from environmental damage such as pollution. Has powerful antioxidants which help the skin to regenerate, tighten pores and slow down your skins ageing effects
- One of it’s unique properties, apigenin, may improve sleep quality, an antioxidant that binds to certain receptors in your brain that may promote sleepiness and reduce insomnia
- Chamomile is sometimes referred to as 'natural skin bleach'. Blemishes and redness can be lightened by chamomile
- Using chamomile on the skin adds powerful antioxidants which help the skin to regenerate, tighten pores and slow down ageing effects in the skin.
- Chamomile promotes relaxation and supports digestive health
- Chamomile preparations are commonly used for hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatic pain, and hemorrhoids.
- Chicory is commonly used as a medicine and known for the following --
- Being rich in anti-oxidant and insulin
- Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and sedative effects
- Also know to reduce inflammation and rheumatism pain and sore joints
- Helps in detoxifing the body and regulating metabolism
- Cleansing the blood
- Improving liver health
- Adds nourishment to kidneys & improves their function
- Maintains bowel health, acts as a laxative and diuretic
- Reduces indigestion and heartburn
- Lowers blood glucose and cholesterol levels
- Helps in the production of B vitamins and K
- Produces enzymes
- Chicory powder is used as a caffeine free coffee additive
- Another of our "hotter-spice" ingredients - with many helpful benefits --
- Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
- Pain relief, nerve pain, back pain
- Headache, congestion, fibromyalgia
- Stimulates the heart and lungs, dilates blood vessels and speeds metabolism
- Increases circulation and blood flow to all major organs
- Known to regulate high blood pressure
- Promotes healthy liver function
- Helps regulate digestive system
- Anti-bacterial and anti-cancer
- Contains vitamins A, B6, E, C, along with riboflavin, potassium and manganese
- Oh for the love of childhood aromas....Cinnamon! Offering so many wonderful healthy benefits as follows --
- Loaded with anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties
- Powerful medicinal properties
- Helps regulate blood sugar for protection against diabetes
- Parkinson’s protection and Alzheimer’s protection
- Known to relieve arthritic pain
- Helps digestion
- May cut the risk of heart disease
- May protect against cancer
- May help fight the HIV virus
- Helps fight bacterial and fungal infections
- Another beautiful, recognizable aromatic spice - see what benefits the Clove offers here --
- Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties
- Antiseptic, anesthetic, warming and soothing
- May help lower cholesterol
- Known to lower blood sugar
- Helps in improving digestion, relieving acidity, indigestion and constipation problems
- Promotes clear skin, helps fight stress
- Used in dental care, bad breath, and overall oral hygiene
- Contains essential oils and flavonoids
- Also contains minerals like potassium, manganese, iron, selenium and magnesium
- Good source of Vitamins A, K, B6 (pyridoxine), thiamin ( B-1), vitamin-C and riboflavin

- Coleus is a plant from the mint family and the root has been used as medicine since ancient times
- Heart Support, Immune Support, Beauty & Radiance Support and Blood pressure
- When taken by mouth, coleus is used to treat allergies, dry eye, skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, obesity, painful menstrual periods, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), urinary tract infections (UTI), bladder infections, advanced cancer, blood clots, sexual problems in men, trouble sleeping (insomnia)
- May help dilate blood vessels and improve the forcefulness with which the heart pumps blood. Recent clinical trials indicate that forskolin improves heart function in people with congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy
- Aids in weight loss by helping create enzymes that help burn body fat
- It acts as a powerful antioxidant and may protect from liver damage induced by toxins
- Potentially helps to moderate high blood sugar
- Coriander -- provides a fragrant flavor to our spice blend and has many benefits to offer --
- Anti-oxidant, antiseptic, anti-fungal and disinfectant
- Helps cleanse and detoxifies the body with anti-infectious and detoxifying components
- Stimulates digestion, helpful in treating stomach disorders like anorexia
- Natural stimulant
- May help lower Cholesterol
- Helps with skin disorders, skin inflammation, eczema, dryness and fungal infections
- Rich source of calcium for bone health
- Helps regulate blood sugar
- Helps reduce blood pressure
- Help in the cure of ulcers, inflammation. Also helps protect the liver
- Helps regulate menstrual cycles and reduces pain
- Helps with eye disorders, macular degeneration, reduces strain and stress on the eyes
- Protects against conjunctivitis
- Rich amount of Vitamin C, and an excellent source of minerals like iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc and magnesium
- Cumin -- known and highly touted today for some powerful benefits as follows --
- Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant for arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
- High anti-oxidant content
- Instrumental in keeping your immune system
- Helps maintain healthy blood system
- an excellent source for iron
- Boosts metabolism
- Slows down some cancer cells
- Helps control diabetes
- Also helps with insomnia, common colds, anemia and immune system
- Known to help with respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis
- May help with concentration and cognitive malfunction issues
- Many benefits for the digestive system as a digestive aid, relieving gas, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, bloating
- Has been known to protect memory loss and aids in stress relief
- Good source of vitamins, iron and manganese
- Benefits for pregnant women
- Curry - A popular Indian cuisine spice - with lots of healthy benefits such as --
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Helps kill or slows growth of several cancers
- Shown to lower cholesterol levels, preventing plaque build-up
- Helps prevent heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke
- Shown to reduce risk for diabetes
- Shown to have benefits for Alzheimer’s disease
- Digestive aid, reducing symptoms of heartburn, bloating, gas

- Dandelion seeds can be carried away to up to 5 miles from their place of origin
- For centuries, they’ve been used to treat a myriad of physical ailments, including cancer, acne, liver disease and digestive disorders
- Providing antioxidants, reducing cholesterol, regulating blood sugar, reducing inflammation,
- Lowering blood pressure
- Aiding weight loss, reducing cancer risk, boosting the immune system
- May Boost Your Immune System. Some research indicates that dandelion may have antimicrobial and antiviral properties, which could support your body’s ability to fight infection
- Dandelion root has historically been used to improve appetite, soothe minor digestive ailments, and possibly relieve constipation
- Dandelion greens can be eaten cooked or raw and serve as an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K. They also contain vitamin E, folate and small amounts of other B vitamins and several minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium
- Dandelion root is a rich source of the prebiotic fiber inulin

- In the food industry, it’s primarily used for making those dill pickles. It was also one of the herbs mentioned in the bible.
- Dill is rich in a variety of plant compounds that may protect against heart disease, stroke and certain forms of cancer. Provides amazing cholesterol-lowering benefits.
- Diabetes - Studies have shown that dill can be used to help manage diabetes. Not only do these studies show that dill helps manage existing type 2 diabetes, but it also shows that dill may help prevent type 2 diabetes from developing. Additionally, dill may help lower blood sugar levels
- Dill is a good source of Vit A, C, Calcium & Iron
- Dill is a very good source of calcium and a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc.
- The health benefits of dill include freshens breath, keeps mouth clean, stops hiccups, remedies depression, relief from insomnia, diarrhea, dysentery, menstrual disorders, respiratory disorders, strengthen bones and protects from bone degradation, bone degradation, protect you against arthritis and prevents cancer
- Dill weed may actually help as a natural remedy for depression
- May act as a natural bug repellent
- Dill exhibits anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that fight free radical damage.

- Dong quai has been used in China for thousands of years to help balance hormones, reduce PMS symptoms and increase libido
- Dong quai is used for menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopausal symptoms.
- Also as a blood purifier to manager hypertension, infertility, joint pain, ulcers, anemia and constipation and help prevent allergic attacks.
- Dill exhibits anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that fight free radical damage.
- Helps strengthens bones to help prevent osteoporosis
- May promote normal blood sugar levels
- May promote heart health
- Decreases inflammation
- Dong quai has been used in China for thousands of years to help balance hormones, reduce PMS symptoms and increase libido.
- It can help lighten skin, reduce inflammation and help heal wounds faster as clinical studies have shown.
- Fennel is highly prized for its licorice-like flavor and the myriad of health benefits it provides--
- Great source of fiber
- Improves brain function
- Offers relief from indigestion, anti-flatulent, constipation, colic and diarrhea
- Helps maintain healthy levels of cholesterol
- Can act as a laxative
- Helpful in treatment of anemia
- Rich source of potassium
- Relaxes blood vessels to reduce blood pressure
- Numerous other medicinal uses due to components of it essential oils
- Flax Seed -- one of Smoothie Spices favorites....used in lots of our recipes - has so many benefits including these --
- Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory action and contains Omega-3 essential fatty acids for heart health and blood pressure
- Helps prevent hardening of the arteries
- Reduces risk of certain cancers, cardiovascular disease and lung cancer
- May have protective agents against breast, prostrate & colon cancers
- Helps with lowering cholesterol levels
- Helps improve blood sugar
- Helps prevent hot flashes
- Fenugreek -- now this is a fun name! See below for the load of benefits it offers --
- Super powerful with anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties
- Acts as a natural anti-aging remedy by repairing damaged skin cells
- Helps in healing processes
- Known to balance blood sugar and cholesterol levels
- Effective in helping controlling diabetes
- Extremely beneficial for cardiovascular and helps reduce risk of heart attack
- Helps keep blood pressure under control
- Used as a cholesterol blocking agent
- Flushes out toxins resulting in better digestion
- Has a large amount of fiber to regulate bowels
- Soothes inflamed stomach tissue by creating a protective coat on the wall of stomach so as not to be affected by acidic secretion
- Useful in healing heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GRD)
- Helps keep colon cancer away
- Effective for PMS, hot flashes and mood swings
- Assists in maintaining hormonal balance
- Good for curing high fever and respiratory diseases.
- Relief from sore throat and cough
- Rich in niacin or vitamin B3
- Garlic - big favorite at Smoothie Spices! Garlic is a natural antibiotic -- offers benefits for the following --
- Acts as an anti-oxidant
- Supports metabolism
- Strengthens the immune system and helps fight cancer
- Helps increase your iron, copper, manganese and phosphorous intake
- Boosts energy production
- Aids in oxygen transport
- Helps prevent anemia
- Helps nervous system function
- Promotes healthy cartilage, bones and teeth
- Supports healing of wounds
- Promotes healthy kidney function
- Blood thinning benefits for high blood pressure and heart disease
- Amazing Ginger -- here are some of the benefits of this unique and healthy spice --
- Anti-inflammatory, reduces inflammation
- Improves absorption of essential nutrients into your body
- Assists in digestion by improving absorption
- Decreases bacterial infections in stomach
- Strengthens immune system
- Studies show that ginger may slow growth of colorectal cancer cells
- Improves blood flow
- Contains chromium, magnesium and zinc and other essential nutrients
- Helps prevent chills, fever and excessive sweating. Used as a natural treatment for colds and flu
- Helps stop coughing and throat irritation
- Good for motion sickness and nausea
- Ginger is also used as a therapeutic tea for all of the above

- In today’s fast paced world, who doesn’t need Brain Food?
- Ginko Biloba is known for and may improve on the following:
Improve cognitive brain function & helps promote excellent memory recall by improving blood flow to the brain. Improving mental performance and energy levels. - Improves energy levels
- Support healthy hair regrowth. Improve conditions of the scalp
- Anti-ageing properties to target age related hair loss
- Reduce anxiety and stress related hair loss with anti-ageing properties
- Maintain healthy circulation
- Reduce skin inflammation. Ginko seeds are able to kill the bacteria that cause acne and other skin conditions. Research has found that Ginko has antibacterial properties
- Ginkgo biloba is also used to treat prevention of altitude sickness, cerebral vascular insufficiency, dizziness/vertigo, intermittent claudication, macular degeneration/glaucoma, premenstrual syndrome and SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction
- A study found that Ginko may help reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia when used with conventional medicines. Also may have benefits for epilepsy. May have ability to reduce anxiety, stress, and other symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline
- May help reduce the symptoms of anxiety and stress
- Ginkgo has the ability to reduce inflammation caused by various conditions such as arthritis
- May support eye health by possibly increasing blood flow to the eyes
- May improve heart health. Ginko has the ability to increase blood flow to various parts of the body. It also may help in the treatment of neurological and cardio-cerebrovascular disorders
- Ginkgo extract has anti-inflammatory properties that may help in the treatment of depression
- May treat headaches and migraines by increasing blood flow to the brain
- The anti-inflammatory properties of ginkgo biloba extract may treat symptoms associated with respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
- May Reduce PMS Symptoms
- May have benefits to help sexual dysfunction by increasing blood flow
- May help reduce obesity by improving insulin resistance and reducing body weight gain
- American Ginseng - this gnarly root is considered a Chinese medicine and has been used for thousands of years, some of the benefits are --
- Used to increase energy, stimulate the immune system and increase longevity.
- Brings bodily functions into balance
- Increases mental alertness and vitality, endurance and stamina
- Often used as an aphrodisiac
- Positive effects on mental and physical functions and weight loss
- Increases blood flow
- Reduces cold symptoms
- Used as a dietary supplement for centuries

- Gotu Kola is a plant traditionally known as the “herb of longevity”
- Gotu kola can enhance your memory and overall cognitive function
- Gotu Kola is also used to strengthen hair and promote hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the scalp
- It may help treat Alzheimer's disease
- It may help reduce anxiety and stress
- It may act as an antidepressant
- It may improve circulation and reduce swelling
- Gotu kola may help ease insomnia
- Often used to treat varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency and helps to break down cellulite
- Historically, Gotu kola has also been used to treat syphilis, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, mental fatigue, epilepsy, diarrhea, fever, and asthma
- Known to be a great source of phytonutrients called flavonoids that act as antioxidants and fight off free radical damage which help tighten skin

- Lots of powerful help as an aid to weight loss and boosting metabolism
- May also promote blood sugar regulation
- Improve blood pressure and cholesterol
- May have natural weight loss properties. Green coffee beans are unroasted, so the antioxidant properties are better than in black coffee. Green coffee aids rapid fat loss, helps in boosting metabolism and is also beneficial in reducing bad cholesterol levels
- Green coffee beans, not having been roasted, and still green, are a rich source of several types of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds such as chlorogenic acid which is the reason they act as a natural weight loss aid and fat burner
- May improve energy, mood, focus, antiaging, heart rhythm abnormalities
- It may also reduce inflammation, slowing the release of sugar into the bloodstream and help regulate the release of insulin, which brings glucose into the cells and potentially increasing energy
- May Help Lower Blood Pressure, decreasing cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood

- Packed with antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents
- Beneficial for diabetics. May help lower blood sugar levels
Considered a natural pain reliever - May boost heart health
- May help relieve painful symptoms of menstruation
- May benefit your digestive system
- May aid weight loss
- Anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing, anti-viral & antibacterial properties
May help boost your immune system - Good for your skin, effective in eliminating acne and black spots from the skin
- Help in reducing allergies
- Possible benefits for fertility due to its abundance of nutrients
- Aid in weight loss by preventing starches from being converted into sugar
- Beneficial for diabetics
- Guava leaves are an herbal remedy for diarrhea and dysentery and are a great liver tonic
- Guava leaf tea aid in digestion by stimulating digestive enzyme production, treating bronchitis, relieve tooth ache, heal gum and mouth sores and treat sore throats when used for gargling
- Help in healing wounds
- Rich in nutrients and antioxidants, guava leaves help in promoting healthy hair

- Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar and Reduces Sugar Cravings
- May improving blood sugar levels, beneficial in the managing of diabetes
- Gymnema is also packed with antioxidants, such as tannins and flavonoids
- May help maintain healthy weight
- Said to lower sugar cravings
- Help decrease bad cholesterol (LDL) and increased good cholesterol
- May be helpful for your digestive health
- Help in reducing fats and triglycerides
- May help in reducing inflammation
- Increasing fluid output
- May be a potent antimicrobial and antifungal treatment for candida, staph infections, and other types of bacteria
- It may provide neuroprotection against diabetic neuropathy
- It may help improve kidney health, reducing urea and uric acid

- There are more than 300 species of the Hibiscus plant, used as botanical and herbal medicines for centuries.
- Benefits your skin by supporting your body's natural collagen production and slowing down collagen degradation. It could prevent elastin breakdown
- It may speed up wound healing
- May help with weight loss
- May help fight bad bacteria
- May boost liver health
- May help lower blood press and lower blood fat levels
- May help with cancer preventions
- May have benefits for hair loss and hair health
- May have cholesterol and hypertension reducing properties
- Has been used to treat gastrointestinal disorders
- Studies conducted on the use of hibiscus powder have revealed its antibiotic, antihypertensive, anticholesterol and antitumor properties
- The powder is also used to treat constipation and diarrhea and anemia
- “Horseradish is one of the few medicinal vegetables where processing actually improves its anticancer benefits.” --
- Known to cure respiratory problems like cold, sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, flu, lung congestion, asthma, and breathing disorders
- Prevents hay fever
- Good pain reliever, especially rheumatic pain
- Found to have anti-inflammatory, diuretic (increase urine output), and nerve soothing effects
- The root contains many volatile phyto-chemical compounds which stimulate secretion of salivary, gastric and intestinal digestive enzymes, facilitating digestion and thereby working as a potent gastric stimulant which increases appetite
- Increases production of digestive juices – promotes appetite and digestion
- Helps remove harmful free-radicals from the body and may help protect it from cancers, inflammation, infections, etc.
- Moderate amounts of minerals like sodium, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium
- Also, moderate amounts of essential vitamins such as folate, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid. Has good amounts of vitamin-C, which is a powerful water soluble anti-oxidant
- Increases liver ability to detoxify and eliminate carcinogenic (cancer causing) substances
- Natural cure for scurvy
- We added Juniper to our blend because it has so many remedial qualities --
- High levels of anti-oxidants, may be effective with antibacterial properties
- People use Juniper berry to make medicine
- Aids in digestion problems, upset stomach, intestinal gas, flatulence, heartburn and bloating
- Also aids in gastrointestinal infections and intestinal worms
- Used for urinary tract infections, kidney and bladder stones
- Juniper's detoxifying properties are beneficial for wounds and inflammatory diseases such as gout and rheumatoid arthritis
- Essential oils of juniper are also wonderful for many topical uses

- Good for the brain, stress and bees in the garden!
- Lemon balm has traditionally been used to improve mood and cognitive function
- Used as a Stress reducer helping reduce anxiety, soothe stress symptoms and boost your mood
- It may ease insomnia and other sleep disorders
- It was used in the Middle Ages to improve appetite, relieve indigestion, gas and bloating from indigestion, nausea. Lemon balm features anti-inflammatory properties that soothe digestive inflammation
- May be useful in treating headaches, especially if related to stress
- Sometimes used directly to lessen toothache pain
- As an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, it helps to reduce the swelling and reddening of the skin that is common in conditions including acne, shingles, chicken pox, eczema and psoriasis
- Lemon balm acts as an antioxidant. Researchers indicate lemon balm might help with conditions related to oxidative stress, such as diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular diseases
- There is some evidence that lemon balm may help fight inflammation. Herpes virus which cause cold sores, among other illnesses
- Also found to be effective against certain bacterial and fungal infections
- May Slow the Effects of age-related memory loss
- Lemon Grass smells like lemon but tastes milder and sweeter. Loaded with benefits --
- Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
- It has many beneficial medicinal properties including analgesic, antidepressant, antipyretic, antiseptic, antibacterial, astringent, carminative, diuretic, insecticidal, sedative, and anti-cancer properties.
- Cholesterol free
- Strong anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties
- Anti-fungal and anti-septic properties
- Invaluable essential vitamins such as pantothenic acid B5), pyridoxine (B-6) and thiamin (B-1)
- Rich sources of minerals like potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, and magnesium
- Lemon Peel is considered the Alkaline Power Food! Here are some of the benefits added to our Smoothie Spice blend --
- Alkalizing for the body - helping to restore balance to the body’s pH
- A stimulant to the liver, dissolves uric acid and other poisons, a great liver detoxifies
- Helps keep your bowels moving
- Anti-bacterial, astringent, antiseptic, cleansing action
- Anti-aging for youthful appearance of skin
- Natural medicine
- Stimulates the appetite to digest food
- Lemons contain vitamin C, citric acid, flavonoids, B-complex vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and fiber.

- Maca is in the same plant family as broccoli and radishes
- Maca is loaded with vitamins, including B1, B2, C, and E. It also contains calcium, zinc, iron, and essential amino acids
- Reseachers are finding that the fatty acids found in maca root, such as omega-3s, may be helping support the brain function, cognitive skills, rational thinking, and analytical skills. May even be powerful enough to aid in the treatment of neurological disorders, such as
- Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
- May Increase memory retention and learning power
- Maca contains flavonoids, and may reduce feelings of anxiety and depression in postmenopausal women. Also found to be effective against certain bacterial and fungal infections
- Maca has been known to give your body the ability to adapt to anxiety, stress, depression
- Also help to reduce stress hormones in the body
- Traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, Maca is rich in fibre, calcium, iron and amino acids. It is known to boost fertility in men, reduces stress and increases stamina
- Researchers have detected Maca may increase sperm production and improve sperm quality, thereby enhancing fertility in men
- Maca has been known to be an energy booster impacting energy levels, mood and stamina and has been widely recognized in the field of sports and athletics
- Studies have shown, that consuming maca may help in reducing the enlargement of the prostate
- Maca is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and silica, which helps make your bones stronger and prevents the risk of bone-related ailments
- There's some evidence that some of these antioxidants can also lower blood pressure and reduce fat in the blood and body

- Marjoram is a familiar kitchen herb and a great addition for a healthy diet and our spice blends. Some benefits are --
- Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-fungal and with antiviral agents
- Helps relieve asthma, muscle spasms, sinus headaches, migraines, fever and body aches
- Improves cardiovascular and circulatory system
- Contains vitamin A and C, calcium and iron
- Fights against food poisoning, staph, tetanus infection, influenza, common cold, mumps, measles, typhoid and malaria
- Helps relieve stress, anxiety and insomnia
- Has emotional and also neurological benefits
- Matcha Green Tea gets a lot of buzz for being used in known for benefits such as --
- Anti-aging, anti-oxidant properties and antibacterial
- Rich in Chlorophy which promotes wound healing
- Rich in Choline, essential for the body
- Known as a smart nutrient improving cognition and may improve IQ
- Aids the immune system
- Improves insulin sensitivity, will not raise insulin levels
- Rich in the B vitamins
- Reduces intestinal gas
- Reduces cellulite production
- Helps keep blood pressure low
- Relief from constipation, high in fiber
- Stimulates mood and overall well-being, a natural mood enhancer
- Contains L-theanine, an amino acid known to relax the mind
- Cancer fighter renowned cancer fighting catechins only found in Green Tea
- Boosts T-cell response
- A fat burner
- Many vitamins, minerals and amino acids
- It does contain caffeine

- Beauty from within. Jam packed with skin loving vitamins!
- Moringa powder antioxidants may be useful to protect tissue of your liver, kidneys, heart and lungs, and to reduce pain
- Moringa leaves have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas, for a powerful r immune system booster
- Known to have loads of calcium, protein, iron and amino acids, magnesium, and potassium, carotenoids, and vitamins A, B, and C.
- Also abundant in polyunsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid, and palmitoleic acid, and is high in protein and carbohydrates
- Packed with antioxidants that protect your cells from damage and which help your body heal and build muscle
- May help in reducing fat and helps promote fat breakdown, possibly aiding in weight loss and less belly fat
- Moringa may slow down ageing. Using moringa leaf powder topically on the face to prevent wrinkles and free radical damage to the skin. Skin Hydration, repair and collagen production. Moringa may help firm up your facial skin and also help reduce wrinkles and blemishes, making you look younger
- Said to have high level of antioxidants—including vitamin C, A, and B which may help in aging skin, providing moisturizing and softening effects
- Early studies show it may help with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes by lowering blood sugar and it may affect how the body releases insulin. May slow some cancers.
- May have health-promoting plant properties to help heal stress and inflammation in the brain
- Moringa may be helpful and is taken by mouth for "tired blood" (anemia), arthritis and other joint pain (rheumatism), asthma, cancer, constipation, diabetes, diarrhea, seizures, stomach pain, stomach and intestinal ulcers, intestinal spasms, headache, heart problems, high blood pressure, kidney stones, symptoms of menopause, thyroid, vision, anti-diabetic properties and healthy bones
- Also known as an analgesic (pain reliever), fever reducer, and gut protector
- The rich iron content of moringa powder reduces tiredness and fatigue and also makes it ideal for vegan, vegetarians and those suffering from anemia
- Mustard seed is one of the most popular spices traded in the world today adding great flavor to our spice blend some of these many fantastic benefits --
- Slows the aging process
- Rich in anti-oxidants - and vitamin A, C & K
- Anti-inflammatory relieves arthritic, rheumatoid muscle pain
- Lowering cholesterol, protecting the arteries, containing high levels of niacin or vitamin B3
- Contains calcium, zinc, dietary fiber, omega 3 fatty acids to help prevent heart disease
- Improves immune system
- Regulates our metabolism
- Known for their anti-cancer effects
- Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial fights skin infections
- Fights off infection
- Bone support
- Regulates hormones and enzyme activity
- Helps reduce constipation
- Aids digestion
- Packed with B-complex vitamins like folates, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin

- Known as “stinging nettle”, called the “devils leaf”, and the leaves are heart shaped
- May reduce inflammation
Medieval Europe, it was used as a diuretic (to rid the body of excess water) and to treat joint pain, arthritis and sore muscles, and reduce pain in osteoarthritis - Has been known to treat eczema, arthritis, gout, and anemia, hay fever
- May reduce symptoms of enlarged prostates and urinary tract infections
- May lower blood pressure by relaxing your heart and also help with blood sugar control
- May reduce pain and inflammation associated with both infectious and non-infectious conditions
- Nettle is known to be used to treat rheumatism, influenza, and gastrointestinal and urinary tract disorder
- Has been know to be an effective means of treating hypertension and diabetes
- Nutmeg -- this popular SUPER spice adds lots of flavor and benefits --
- Helps eliminate fatigue and stress by effectively stimulating the brain
- Also a good remedy for anxiety and depression
- Improves concentration and focus
- Powerful medicinal properties
- Relieves pain from joints, muscle, sores, arthritis, sores and other ailments
- An effective sedative
- Antibacterial properties
- Anti-inflammatory
- Helps digestion-related problems like diarrhea, constipation, bloating and flatulence by removing excess gas from your intestines.
- Can also boost your appetite
- Effective treatment for halitosis or bad breath, gum problems and toothaches
- Detoxifier - when used as a tonic, nutmeg can clean your liver and kidney and remove toxins
- A scrub made with nutmeg can help with skin problems.
- Packed with essential minerals and vitamins; rich in potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium and vital B-complex vitamins, including vitamin C, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin A and many flavonoid anti-oxidants
- Taking small amounts of nutmeg consistently improves overall health and well being

- There are 21 types of onions! They are a powerhouses of nutrition
- Onion powder is said to contains all the benefits of the fresh onion and is one of the most important vegetables. Onions are used in preparation of most types of foods
- Onions are a really good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and folate, fiber, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese
- Said to protect cells from damaging free radicals and are important for healthy bones, connective tissue, energy, nervous system, immune system and digestion system
- Healthy bowels, heart protection, help for diabetes and certain types of cancer
- May help fatigue and muscle function
- May boost your brain for better information processing
- Onion powder may also help strengthen bones and teeth
- Onion preparations are also used in help for hair loss and scalp treatments

- Oregano is practically a kitchen staple - This marvelous herb is an excellent source for some of the following benefits --
- One of the highest anti-oxidant super foods
- Anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-septic, antispasmodic, carminative and anti-bacterial
- Immune support
- Anti-cancer properties
- Helps slow the aging process
- Useful for upper respiratory infections
- Helps control cholesterol levels, helps the heart
- Increases digestion power, bloating
- Colds, bronchitis, headaches
- Fatigue, earache, acne, allergies
- Rich in flavinoids, vitamin A, carotenes, vitamin C, lutein, zeaxanthin & cryptoxanthin
- Rich in potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, and magnesium

- The zoo sometimes includes paprika in the food of flamingos in order to help them keep their pink color!
- Paprika contains capsaicin, a compound found in peppers that has been shown to have a wide range of health benefits. Paprika has antioxidants which fight cell damage caused by reactive molecules called free radicals, and loads of vitamins and minerals
- May help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, improve immunity, and even alleviate gas
- Studies have shown paprika may help with better eye health vision and less likely to develop cataracts
- Paprika may protect against a variety of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, including arthritis, nerve damage, and digestive issues, gastrointestinal and stomach inflammation
- May also help decrease levels of total and LDL (bad) cholesterol
- May help with managing diabetes by decreasing blood sugar and insulin levels
- Being high in iron and vitamin E, both of which help create healthy red blood cells and may work to stave off anemia
- The capsaicin in paprika may have anti-obesity and appetite-suppressing properties
- Parsley -- georgeous, healthy, nutritious and leafy -- benefits include --
- Excellent source of antioxidants, vitamin C, beta carotene
- Antibacterial properties
- Great for the skin
- Boosts immune system
- Heart healthy, rich in folate and chlorophyl
- Vitamin K, good for bones, blood and blood pressure
- LDL Cholesterol lowering properties
- Cancer fighting properties
- Natural diuretic and detoxifier
- Excellent for the liver
- Contains manganese, sodium and potassium
- Positive effect on estrogen production
- Great for juicing & tea..... and SMOOTHIES!

- Spanish missionaries named this flower Passion Fruit as a symbol of Christ’s crucifixion because of its distinctive shape.
- Passion fruit are high in fiber and Vitamin A. They also contain Vitamin C, iron, copper, lycopene and potassium
- Full of antioxidants and minerals that may benefit skin and hair by helping skin retain moisture and improving blood flow, so you may look younger and help prevent or delay signs ageing and wrinkling
- Other key nutrients in Passion Fruit may offer benefits such as being rich in antioxidants, a good source of fiber, may improve insulin sensitivity, boost the immune system, reduce anxiety and support heart health
- Passion fruit is full of antioxidants that fight cancer
- Folate in Passion Fruit may help prevent Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline
- Being rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, and phosphorus, when taken along with other rich sources (like green veggies and milk), maintain bone density and may help prevent osteoporosis
- Passion Fruit may have positive effects on the respiratory system
- Also contains several medicinal alkaloids may have sedative properties that may help insomnia and restlessness

- Peppermint is a popular aromatic and traditional remedy for many conditions
- It is used to treat flatulence, menstrual pains, depression-related anxiety, muscle and nerve pain, the common cold
- May help with symptoms of indigestion, pain, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, IBS and gas
- It may work as a decongestant and may also help loosen mucus that has collected in the lungs
- They say Peppermint may also be a preventative for help in not getting sick in the first place
- It's been evaluated against head lice, fungus and even worms that reside in goat intestines all with positive results
- Peppermint may help defend against harmful organisms, relieve headaches, sooth against stress, support the liver as it contains loads of antioxidants

- Start reaping the benefits of pine bark extract….
- May be beneficial to the brain by improving memory boosting cognitive brain function
- May be helpful as a natural immune system booster and help balance blood sugars
- Provides anti-aging benefits due to its protection against free radicals with benefits for skin’s collagen and elastin and protect from sun damage
- Pine Bark may help preserve your eyesight by strengthening your capillaries in the retina
- Pine bark is known to fight inflammation, stimulate immune system action, ease swelling, and exert antioxidant effects. Helps with wound healing and reduces skin bruising
- Pine bark is an anti-oxidant, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory
- May reduce risk of cataracts, Improves heart health and blood pressure control
- May help your hay fever and allergies
- May improve erectile disfunction with blood flow. May help improve fertility by improving sperm quality
- May offer some benefits to lung disease
- May reduce joint inflammation due to arthritis and help reduce varicose vein swelling
- May help with menstrual disorders and going through menopause
Appears helpful for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

- This cactus is protected out in the wild by law. Leave it be if you see it in the desert.
- Prickly pear cactus — or also known as nopal, opuntia and other names — is promoted for treating diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity
- Cactus fiber was shown to promote weight loss in a 3-month clinical investigation. A study found that eating cactus can reduce body fat, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
- Also known for its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties
- Rich in Vitamins C, E and K. Beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium, calcium & phosphorous. Including amino acids, fatty acids, and antioxidants like betalains, polyphenols, and flavonoids.
- Known to help a hangover
- May help improve your digestion
- May soothe pain, boost immune activity, and protect the liver
- Prickly pear has anti-inflammatory properties that are similar to aloe vera which helps provide relief from itchy and inflammatory scalp conditions. These compounds may also help stimulate hair growth while preventing hair loss. A hero for clear skin and shiny hair

- Reishi is often referred to as the “mushroom of immortality” and Longevity
- Reishi promotes healthy gut bacteria, has a calming effect and can even support weight loss
- Reishi mushroom has also been used to help enhance the immune system, reduce stress, improve sleep
- It may help with healing cold sores
- Seems to help with lowering those with severe high blood pressure
- May increase “good” HDL cholesterol and decrease triglycerides
- Studies show it may fight cancers by increasing the activity of the body’s white blood cells
- Studies also show it has helped reduce depression, anxiety and fatigue

- From their soft petals to prickly thorns, roses are a symbol of beauty and health
- Rose Hips is known for its Immune boosting power
- 2015 study using rosehip powder suggests that rosehips offer several anti-aging properties, including the ability to keep skin moisturized
- A popular anti-aging substance in the beauty community, decreasing wrinkles and increasing moisture.
- Beautiful skin…. Rose hips, hydrates, moisturizes, help exfoliate and bright skin.
- Help boost collagen formation, protect against sun damage and reduce hyperpigmentation
- Also rich in disease-fighting antioxidants, such as vitamin C, catechins, quercetin, and ellagic acid
- May lower blood sugar levels and treat diabetes
- May boost heart health by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure
- Rose hips have been well studied for their effects on osteoarthritis pain with some reduced pain and stiffness.
- Oh Rosemary! Exquisite flavor and added benefits to our blend.....benefits as follows --
- Potent anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
- Aids in digestive health, indigestion and constipation
- Rich in vitamins E, B6, calcium and iron
- Immune booster
- Acts as an antispasmodic, antiseptic, diuretic and antimicrobial agent
- Pain relief from arthritis, sore muscles, other joints and migraines
- Cancer prevention properties
- Memory improvement, enhances mood and help for migraines
- Alzheimer’s protection
- Kidney function and diuretic
- Sage - this is a soft, yet sweet savory herb! Benefits that keep on giving --Yarrow is an ancient herb revered for it's spiritual, physical, and magical healing properties. Bees love it!
- Cardiovascular protection
- Boosts brain health and helps with memory and concentration
- Digestive aid, helps with acidity
- Rheumatic pain reliever, and other types of pain relief
- Helps heal wounds and incisions
- Helps regulate menstrual periods, cramps
- Promotes gum and mouth health
- Contains good amounts of vitamin-A , beta-carotene, & vitamin C, folic acid, thiamin, pyridoxine and riboflavin
- Rich in minerals like potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, and magnesium.
- It has antispasmodic, antihydrotic, astringent, estrogenic, cholagogue, choleretic, and hypoglycemic agents
- Stronrg anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-allergic, anti-fungal and anti-septic propeties

- A Chinese name, wu wei zi, means five-flavored fruit: sour, bitter, sweet, salty, and pungent
- Schisandra is also used for preventing early aging and increasing lifespan, normalizing blood sugar and blood pressure, stimulating the immune system, and speeding recovery after surgery.
- Chemicals in schisandra may also help the body have more energy, resulting in improved endurance and coordination
- It is also used for treating liver disease (hepatitis) and protecting the liver from poisons and may improve liver function by stimulating enzymes
- Schisandra’s amazing medicinal properties are known as Anti-inflammatory, and also beneficial in help for increasing energy, improving vision, boosting muscular activity, improving cellular health and preventing premature aging, liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis), protection against radiation, diabetes and regulation of blood glucose levels, motion sickness, modulating blood pressure, preventing infection, improve digestion, decreasing night sweats and spontaneous sweating, improve physical exhaustion, decrease excessive urination, improve mental health such as depression, brain fog, concentration

- The health benefits of thyme are undeniable; This herb belonging to the mint family, has loads of benefits as follows --
- Strong anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-allergic, anti-fungal and anti-septic properties
- Relief from respiratory and gastrointestinal problems
- Improved mental acuity
- Protection from cancer-causing toxins
- Very good source of calcium, iron, manganese, chromium, vitamin K and fiber.

- Turmeric - Amazingly popular for arthritis issues - many, many more benefits --
- Discovered to be a natural wonder and beneficial for conditions from cancer to Alzheimer's
- Long known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Known as a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns
- May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to kill themselves
- A natural liver detoxifier
- It is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor
- Helps aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management
- Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin
- May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions
- Positive effects for different cancers and treatment

- Wasabi - a WOW with a powerful taste! A health and beauty herb with many benefits --
- Anti-inflammatory properties for joints and muscles
- Helps to defend against bacterial infections in the body and mouth
- Provides a reduced risk of cancer
- Can be used to treat respiratory problems, antioxidants helps to boost the immune system and can aid in removing harmful toxins from the body
- Protects against pathogens that cause influenza and pneumonia
- Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease
- Helps to clear sinuses
- Contains fiber, protein and energy
- Contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc minerals
- It is rich in vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin A and vitamin B6
- Studies show it is beneficial in eliminating free radicals throughout the body’s systems
- Helps in lowering high cholesterol levels
- Shown to fight off bacterial infections
- Prevents food poisoning
- Helps to reverse early aging
- Great for circulation. It prevents blood clots forming and effectively reduces your risk of heart attack and strokes.
Fights colds and allergies. Magic on cold and flu-causing pathogens which attack the respiratory track
- Yarrow is an ancient herb revered for it's spiritual, physical, and magical healing properties. Bees love it!
Yarrow has the ability to lower high blood pressure, relax blood vessels and improve breathing
Yarrow, having anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, has been is particularly beneficial in reducing inflammation and has been found to be helpful for women suffering from mastitis
Relief for asthma
Relief from gastrointestall issues like diarrhea, flatulence and cramping
A long history as a powerful ‘healing herb’ used topically for wounds, cuts and abrasion
Helpful in reducing the appearance of wrinkles, improving skin softness, and keeping the skin free from bacteria that can lead to breakouts. Leaves have been used as a cosmetic cleanser for greasy skin
DISCLAIMER: This information and or all products for sale are not intended as a "prescription" for treatment nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. and does not suggest, endorse, or imply in any way any treatment or cure for any ailment or disease nor does and endorse or suggest that you should ever take more than the recommended dose of any nutritional spice or herb product or supplement as listed on the label. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. and urges you to seek the advice of a qualified professional for any health concern lasting more than two weeks, and to share with your provider any information pertaining to your health and well-being, including the use of spices and herbs as supplemental nutrition. You should not stop taking any medications without first consulting your physician.